South Shields Marine School is now offering an oral preparation course for marine engineers wishing to prepare for their Second and Chief Engineer’s MCA oral exams.
The course duration is 3 weeks, with a blend of tutor led teaching and learner led Q+A (latest past oral questions provided), with a mock oral exam by request. Access to library books, MOODLE (which contains our Management Level course notes), industry guidance and instructional videos are also included.
You can now study this course remotely, this will consist of the entire course that is taught at South Shields Marine School being available to attend remotely. Our experienced lecturing staff will be using wireless microphones in class along with sharing their computer screen and Powerpoint presentations.
We can only run this course if we have sufficient numbers, therefore, if you wish to attend the course please register your interest at
For further information, please read MSN 1857 and MGN 069 which can be found in the downloads section.
Please contact for further details and enrolment requests.