How to apply
Your Future Career starts here
Whichever course you choose, you will find all the application information at hand on our individual course pages.
There are some things you’ll need to have handy to enrol with us. See our helpful lists below, which will make the process easier for you:

Aged 16-18
- Personal information (name, date of birth, address, email, phone number, school attended)
- Two emergency contacts – name, telephone number and email address of someone who would collect you if you are taken ill, and a second contact who is your legal guardian.
- Exam information – details of predicted grades and chosen subject details (results to be uploaded in August for year 11)
Click ‘Apply’ on the course page you’re interested in.
Our Cadet Administration team will contact you to organise an informal interview, which will include a standard English and Maths test, to ensure you arre choosing the correct course level.
This is your chance to ask the tutor any questions and to make sure you’re choosing the right maritime course.
You’ll then be emailed and sent a letter with an offer to enrol with SSMS.
We’ll be in touch when it’s enrolment time i.e. after GCSE and A Level results with what you need to do next to enrol, plus a start date for your induction.
HE student
- Confirmation of your student loan/grant
- Details of any previous courses of study, including other HE provision
Aged 19+
- Personal information (name, date of birth, address, email, phone number)
- Details of your highest qualification

Payment of fees
- Payment (if applicable) – if paying by direct debit your full bank details are required
- Evidence you have been approved for / applied for an Advanced Learner Loan (if applicable)
- Purchase Order or confirmation letter from your company if they are paying the fees
- Evidence of Work Related Benefits Job Seekers or Employment Support Allowance (work related) – the Benefit Delivery Centre tel: 0845 6088637 can provide you with evidence of any benefits you are currently receiving
To view our financial information, please click here.
You’ve enrolled on your course, received your confirmation email and logged into your personal account.
So, what happens next? Well, you enjoy your (extended) break and get ready to start with us. To help you get excited about starting your journey with us, you’ll receive your very own welcome pack through the post containing plenty of goodies, vouchers to use on campus and some useful information about college life, terms dates and useful contacts.
If you have any questions before the start of term, head to our ‘LiveChat’ where one of our advisors will be able to help you. Alternatively, you can contact our main reception on +44 191 427 3517.